1100 LTR Bin Press

1100 LTR Bin Press

General information Technical information Matching products

The bin press compactor reduces the volume of your waste material in 1100 LTR bins by compressing material into the bin. A percentage of general waste loaded loosely into 1100 bins is taken up by trapped air in bags or gaps between materials. By compacting the waste using the 1100 LTR bin press means businesses will reduce the number of bins they have in their waste disposal area. This model will save on the space needed for waste disposal and also the cost of bin charges as less bins are needed.

Technical information

Heigth 2.120 m
Width 1.160 m
Depth 1.150 m
Weigth 270 kg
Transportation heigth 1.594 m
Power supply 220 - 240 V
Motor 1.5 kW / 13 Amp
Pressing force Up to 3.5 Ton
Noise level 68 dB
Cycle times 20 seconds
Suitable for Bins of 1100 liters

Matching products

We are not averse to waste. Let’s look for a solution together.