Baler 100

Baler 100

General information Technical information Additional supplies Matching products

The Baler 100 is an excellent choice for businesses seeking to compact cardboard boxes and waste plastic packaging.

The Baler 100/130 features an extra wide loading aperture for filling with larger boxes. It is a compact baler suitable for plastic film, cardboard, and paper. As standard, the baler is equipped with an automatic pressing cycle and an indicator light to signal when the bale is full. The Baler 100 has a hydraulic ejection mechanism for ejecting the bale. This baler is used in warehouses, production sites, and logistical companies. The Baler 100 fits in anywhere and requires little maintenance. It is a robust baler with a long lifespan.

A baler for cardboard, plastic, foil or other industrial waste not only takes work off your hands – you no longer have to reduce the cardboard yourself before it goes into the container, but it also provides space.

A baler can reduce plastic waste by up to 90%. Result? Lower waste disposal costs, more space and a cleaner and safer working environment.

Benefits of a baler:

Separating plastic and cardboard saves money. Reducing waste volume adds even more savings. Using a baler requires less space and keeps the workspace tidy. Environmentally conscious processing of business waste.

Retainers to prevent spring back of material in the bale chamber.

By investing in a baler, you can not only save money but also contribute to a more sustainable future for your business and the environment

Also read the article: Streamlining Waste Management: The Essential Role of Balers for Cardboard and Plastic

Technical information

Specification Baler Baler 100
Height 2.399 m
Width 1.440 m
Depth 1.014 m
Weight 632 kg
Transportation heigth 2.399 m
Power supply 230 v
Motor 1.5 kW / 13 Amp
Pressing force up to 6 Ton
Noise level 68 decibels
Cycle times 28 seconds
Bale dimensions
Height 0.847 m
Width 0.980 m
Depth 0.800 m
Weight 130 kg depending on material used
Height 0.698 m
Width 0.980 m
Depth 0.800 m

Additional supplies

Matching products

We are not averse to waste. Let’s look for a solution together.