Baler 450

Baler 450

General information Technical information Additional supplies Matching products

The Baler 450 HD features an extra-strong construction and longer compaction cylinders, making it suitable for car tires, bumpers, big bags, and cans. The baler is equipped with a hydraulic ejection mechanism for expelling the bale. This baler is used in warehouses, production sites, and logistics companies. The Baler 450 HD requires minimal maintenance, offering exceptional robustness and a long lifespan.

This extra-strong baler is ideal for compressing big bags and can also be used for compressing car tires.

Technical information

Technical information
Heigth 3.343 m
Width 1.781 m
Depth 1.196 m
Weigth 1300 kg
Transportation heigth 2.300 m
Power supply 380 – 400 V; 3 phase
Pressing force Up to 25 Ton
Motor 5,5 kW / 16 Amp
Noise level 68 dB
Cycle times 50 seconds
Retainers in the bale chamber and bottom door to hold compacted material in place.
Bale dimensions
Heigth 1.000 m
Width 1.200 m
Depth 0.800 m
Loading aperture sizes
Heigth 0.678 m
Width 1.200 m
Depth 0.800 m

Additional supplies

Matching products

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